Top Class Music Excursion

On Friday 13 March, the VCE Music Performance students and un-assessed examination students, ventured into the city to the Melbourne Recital Centre to see the VCAA examiners top assessed students, from the 2019 VCE Music Performance examinations.


The SOLO performances at the 2 pm concert were focused on technical skill, accuracy and phrasing. The GROUP performances at 6 pm, focused on communication, musicality and expression.


With a two gig day, during our break, it was of course necessary to see the Australian Music Vault in the Arts Centre and enjoy the “Save Live Music” memorabilia, as well as general Aussie history information. Nothing like musicians sticking up for what they believe in.


Thank you to all the parents who patiently waited for students to make it home after 10 pm on a Friday night - what a muso life for our LHS musos indeed!


Amy Cumming