Change to Bus Runs

The M03 and M06 bus routes have been amended slightly,  due to concerns regarding the traffic flow along Warburton Highway. 


This will be effective as of Monday 9 October 2017.



The Seville East stop (Stop 11 in the morning and 14 in the afternoon) has been removed.


These students will now catch the M06 – Stop 1.



The Douthie Road stop (stop 2 in the am/pm ) and Wandin Post Office stop (stop 11 am/pm)  has been removed.


These students will now catch the M03. 


If you have been effected by this change,  a letter has been sent out and a new bus pass issued to students.

Technology Fees

All Technology elective subjects and all Home Economics Junior classes carry a fee to help cover the increasing cost of materials.


Notices will be issued to students via Compass and I ask that parents/guardians please assist the school by paying the contribution as soon as practicably possible. 


If you are experiencing any difficulties with this request, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

Caitlin Marshall

Head of Technology

Sick Bay Procedures

The school ‘Sick Bay’ is staffed by qualified First Aid Attendants and is provided by the school during the hours of 9 am and 3 pm so that immediate attention to illness or injury is available to students at all times.


It is best for your child to remain at home if they are unwell in the morning.  However, should they become ill at school they will be attended to by a First Aid attendant.


Parents/ guardians or your emergency contact person will be notified to arrange transport home.  To this end it is vital that student contact details are up to date.


Students are NOT PERMITTED to RING their parents/guardians (via a mobile telephone) themselves OR leave the school without permission.



If your child requires regular medication to be administered at school,  parents/guardians need to send the medication to school, clearly labelled, and it will be held in the locked first aid cabinet available for use by your child under the supervision of the First Aid attendant. The school does not keep a supply of painkillers (Panadol or other medication) for student use.


A treatment action plan should be supplied for students with asthma or any other illness that may require first aid assistance at school.    In particular, medical conditions like epilepsy, haemophilia, diabetes, anaphylaxis or severe allergic reactions.  This plan will be attached to your child’s school records. Parents/Guardians will also need to provide this information again when your child attends school excursions or camps.


Each student who is at risk of anaphylaxis is required to have a management plan that has been developed in consultation with the parents/guardians and medical practitioner.  Prevention strategies for each student at risk of anaphylaxis must be developed for both in school and out of school settings.


First aid medical supplies are only issued for injuries/incidents that occur at school.  Any student requiring strapping tape etc must also provide their own supplies.

Students EXITING at the end of 2017

Students who are exiting Lilydale High School at the end of this year are required to complete and return an Exit Form (signed by a parent/guardian) to the Administration Office.


Exit forms are available from the Administration Office.


Students transferring to another school, only need to complete the Lilydale High School Exit Form.


Students exiting to non-school destinations such as TAFE, apprenticeships or employment must complete the Lilydale High School Exit Form and a Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) Exit Form. Students will also be required to have a ‘MIPs Exit Interview’ with a MIPs/Careers Counsellor prior to exiting. 


School Reports

Please note, once students are removed from current student records at the school, their reports can no longer be accessed via the Parent Portal (Compass). 


It is advisable for parents/guardians to print or download and save the reports for future reference.


Thank you.  

Office Staff