Junior School

Junior School Report

Welcome ‘back’ to all of our staff and students to Term 2 at Scoresby Secondary College.  We hope that you all had a safe and restful term break/ Easter break. It has indeed been an unusual ‘return’ to school'  but it is business as usual as our Junior School students and our staff have been busily adjusting to remote learning.  We would like to thank our students for their continued efforts in keeping in contact with their teachers and for making the most of their learning opportunities at the College.  A big ‘thank you’ must also go to the parents of our students as we are aware that many are facing multiple challenges and doing their very best to ensure their children continue with their schooling from home.


KIOSC Excursions Go Online!

 “As Scoresby  Secondary College are not able to do attend the regular interactive KIOSC excursions for Science, at Swinburne University of Technology in Wantirna, the staff have done an excellent job of converting some excursions into online workshops.  Year 10 classes will be the first to break up their remote learning work with this exciting opportunity, which will be followed by other sessions for the Junior School.  Each session will take students around two hours (which is equivalent to a visit to KIOSC), with all work completed online/virtually. Stay tuned for more information for Junior School opportunities…!”



Highlight/ achievement

Although there have been many highlights from both our students and our staff during this unprecedented time,  Miss O’Sullivan’s email to us is most definitely one to share with our readers. James Matthews 7B kept himself busy during the term break by undertaking an independent art project.  Unfortunately, it was reported that the vehicle collapsed when the weather had other plans in mind for it. As a result, James and his family were unable to attach the extra VW logo and headlights/brake lights that were constructed.


“It was really heart-warming to see a student getting creative with use of materials and having a bit of fun whilst at home”. 

Miss Erin O’Sullivan

Arts & Technology Leader



 Five study tips to help you with your online learning


1 – Reach outStay in regular contact with teachers and classmates

You can avoid feeling overwhelmed by the work ahead of you. Stay in regular contact with your teachers and classmates by ensuring that you stay connected via email,  Webex or telephone calls where you can work collaboratively.

Whether you’re swapping study tips, support or socialising with other classmates, reaching out to other students is a great way of realising you are not alone. Similarly, don’t hesitate to contact your teachers when you need assistance or clarification.


2 – Create your ideal study space

Never underestimate the power of a clean, quiet, well-lit and organised study space when it comes to kicking study goals. Your ideal study space at home, whether it be in the lounge room, your bedroom or in the dining area, no matter where it is, start your study time by setting everything up properly, so you won’t get up every ten minutes to get something you need.


What’s important is that you study in a place away from distractions, where you won’t be interrupted or tempted to multi-task. Have water within reach, turn off your phone and log out of social networks. Effective studying requires your full attention.


3 – Develop a realistic study plan

Are you a morning person or night owl?  Do you work best in short bursts with lots of breaks or longer periods of focus?  Recognise when and how you work best, and devise a regular study schedule around your peak performance habits. Designate daily study blocks and try to complete set tasks within set time-frames, which will help improve time-management and self-discipline skills.  If you cannot device your own timetable, simply stick with the one from school to ensure you do not leave any of your subjects out.

Pin-up a calendar with important dates on it, like assignment deadlines and tests, so that nothing sneaks up on you.  The key to successfully juggling study and life is effective planning, organisation and routine.


4 – Treat yourself

Be proud of your efforts, and don’t forget to reward and look after yourself. You’re a person – not a study machine – and socialising with friends, exercising, relaxing and eating healthy are just as important. Remember: frequent study breaks will also help you stay awake and focused.


5 – Stay focused

This will be a challenge for all of us but don’t lose sight of the end goal. You want to end each day feeling like you have achieved some learning milestones – big or small.



  • Students are sending emails to their teachers’ Edumail addresses (see front cover of each learning booklet).
  • Check Compass regularly for due dates.
  • Submit work by the due dates.
  • Respond to Mr. Knight’s survey every morning.
  • Join Webex if you are asked by your individual teachers to do so.
  • Send back an email to your teachers to acknowledge that you have received and read their emails.


We look forward to a fabulous and successful term for all of our students as we continue to adjust to online learning and the challenges of life in this current climate.


Junior School Team

Mr Donovan Lawrence - Year 7 Coordinator

Mr Jake Barnett - Year 8 Coordinator

Ms Su-Nhi Kim - Year 9 Coordinator

Ms Emily Phibbs - Head of Junior School