Remote Learning Experiences


During Term 2 we will highlight some of the reflections and comments from staff, students and families on their remote learning experiences.


Student Voice

‘Not all students can turn around and say that they had full access to education without even going to school, yet all Victorian students now can. Just because term 2 has been challenging doesn’t mean there aren’t any highlights. Remote learning allows students to use their time more efficiently, this can benefit one when they need more time on an area of study that they are struggling with, for me that’s maths. With all class resources and lesson plans a click away, students can extend their learning to gain a deeper understanding. Students are now in the comfort of their own home, whether at a desk or a kitchen table, students can surround themselves with things they love and assist their learning. I think this can boost one's focus and mood while learning. Typically, us students can’t wait to go home, but that’s not the case anymore. We all can’t wait to get back into the classroom’.

 Published in the Herald Sun Newspaper Wednesday 22 April

Aimee Bugeja  Year 10


As a student of Scoresby Secondary, I, along with other students had to engage in remote learning due to the circumstances that are happening in the world at this moment. All students were given packs of work for all subjects that we are expected to complete within 10 days. During remote learning, we still have to meet standard expectations of our school even if we are at home. We are required to have a quiet learning space and tools for our own learning such as a desk, our books and an iPad or computer. Mr Knight and the teachers update Compass and our emails everyday ready for us to sign in for attendance before 9:00 in the morning. This is also a time to check up on our progress.

Remote learning may be tough at times because you can fall out of focus being at home. However your organisation is your responsibility, since we are not in a class room. We are also not surrounded by a teacher and classmates to show us what to do. It therefore teaches us how to handle our own responsibilities and work independently.

 During these times, I am still learning with the help of my teachers through email and the information or work given in our packs.  All of us have to meet the due date and submit them via online, Compass or email.  When I’m unsure about my work, need textbook pages in case I forgot a textbook at school or I need more time for an assignment, I can just need email teachers and the teachers email back straight away.  Checking up on other friends or classmates through social media is also what I do to see where they are at, if we’re at the same page or if either one of us needs help.  I have found that it is important to still use my planner to write down submission dates and my classes even though I am not in school because it helps me catch up on some work that I might need to complete and keep me on track. It has certainly been an interesting experience remote learning.


Thanks to our parents, teachers and friends who are there to guide us through these difficult times.

Eryl Diesta Year 9


Remote learning has been challenging for some people and easy for others.  But it is the most sensible thing to be doing in times like these.

I have been doing schoolwork and sketching.  I have kept contact with family and friends via messages.

Maya Faddoul Year 9


Staff Comments

“I am very busy with the constant emails and phone calls.  But, funny to say, my connection with the Year 12’s has been strong, actually like one-on-one personal training from a distance.”

Mr Santos’ photo shows he has made sure he had his supplies ready for remote teaching.

Mr Santos


“One of my biggest priorities during this time is communication and ensuring that I am being as attentive and as clear as possible in every email, phone call and Webex with students, parents and carers and staff.   I think communication is the best way to ensure our remote learning program is as effective as it can be.”

“However, even though I have a range of technologies at my fingertips to support communication, I have found that there can be challenges – whether it be a full inbox, slow internet or a cat that thinks keyboards were made for walkin! “  

Mr Cronin


Having too much caffeine whilst working from home is not such a good idea.

Mr Eddy


“Working from home with a three-year old. She is happy in these pictures, but can you imagine trying to work from home when she is throwing a tantrum. NOT FUN!!!  Many of the staff and students have seen her in the background when I am conducting a Webex.”

Ms de Boer


Mr Lawrence it seems has the same problem as Ms de Boer


All set up with protective gear for a safe home working environment. Without other staff to answer phones, Ms Kamfonas has Archie ready to help.



  Mrs Kamfonas


“My girls keep an eye on me to make sure I am working.”

Recess birthday cake

Ms Kim