Curriculum News


This year Health, as well as the Humanities and Social Sciences,  will be programmed in alignment with the Australian Curriculum. We are excited by the new learning experiences ahead.


We use an inquiry approach to assist the students’ learning of skills and attributes necessary to become successful, independent and lifelong learners. The emphasis is no longer on the learning of specific content, but rather how to be inquiring and how to access, evaluate and apply information.  The Fisher staff plan and evaluate all inquiry units together.


This term  Year 5 and Year 6  students will  be inquiring into Australian History. The Year 7 students will be inquiring into Civics and Citizenship.



Students will be attending two lessons over the week. Michelle Harous will be taking Science lessons.  This term the learning will focus on Chemical Sciences. .

Science 'Chemical Sciences'


Each class will receive one 50 minute Physical Education lesson with Mr Bill Georgaris , Mr Starr or Ms Adams each week.  These lessons incorporate skill development, game planning and strategies, sport skills and an understanding of the importance of being physically active.  More information can be found on the Specialist Teachers section of this newsletter.


Each class will also be participating in class fitness lessons.  These are designed to be fast paced, with all involved.  Through group and individual games, students will be involved in fitness activities improving their agility, reflexes, teamwork and problem solving skills.  These lessons are not intended to be competitive, scores are not kept.  The main purpose is for students to be active, to get the blood flowing and therefore the brain working. Fun also features highly!