Curriculum News


Throughout the curriculum students will be introduced to the lessons via LEARNING INTENTIONS. These provide the students with a clear focus of the learning intended. They are introduced to the intention as either: a skill, knowledge or understanding. Students are expected to address SUCCESS CRITERIA in order to maximise their learning outcomes.


Learning Mathematics is an active process where students build their own mathematical understanding through interaction with the ideas they hold and alternative ideas held by others.  Students will be encouraged and supported to take risks and persevere with new or different ways of thinking and doing things, and will understand that mistake making is an important part of their learning. 

Students will continue to develop understanding of the algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and will explore, and use, a range of written and mental strategies for computation to solve multi-step problems. They will explore the properties of prime, composite, square and triangular numbers and investigate index notation and square roots. Students will calculate percentages and ‘best buys’ in relation to financial matters.