
Active April


This year the Premier's Active April begins 1 April and ends 30 April. Active April is an initiative with the aim of inspiring Victorians to live healthier and happier lives and to benefit from physical activity. During the month of April, participants are encouraged to do 30 minutes of physical activity a day. It's loads of fun and it's free. Those who register may receive a range of special offers, including a pass to visit any participating YMCA managed centre. 


Register at this link: www.activeapril.vic.gov.au


Five tips for staying healthy over the holidays

Hello students! As you already know holidays are just around the corner, this is a great time to unwind and have a rest. Whether you have already made plans for the break or prefer to relax at home, here are five tips for staying healthy whilst away from school.

1. Communicate: When on holidays we may not get to see our peers as often. We can be left feeling lonely and missing our old routine. If you or someone else is feeling this way try catching up in person, a phone call, sending a message or even just liking a picture on Instagram/Facebook. Appreciating the people who we go to school with creates confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of belonging.

2. Head to health: Sometimes it is easy to think our mind and body work separately, this, however, is not the case. Our brain needs a healthy diet and exercise to function at its best. Even 10-15 minutes of walking per day can improve our wellbeing, this combined with nutritious food is the perfect way to feel our best physically, mentally and emotionally. Try googling a new snack or meal idea or getting together with some friends for lunch.



3. Hydrate: Drinking water is so important. When we are hydrated we not only function better but we also feel better. If you are struggling to drink enough water try carrying a drink bottle with you or setting reminders on your phone.

4. Mindfulness: We are often so busy doing assignments, extra circular activities or holiday homework that it can be easy to forget our own awareness. Mindfulness is designed to bring our attention to our consciousness and what we are doing. If you are feeling overwhelmed or that things are moving quickly take a moment to pause. You could try mindful eating with your favourite food, meditation through an app such as ‘Smiling Mind’ or giving yourself time to take ten deep breaths.

5. Sleep: Adolescents need approximately 9 hours of sleep per night to function and develop healthily. In order to get a good night’s sleep, you can try turning all technology off an hour before bed, having a hot shower, refraining from caffeinated drinks late in the day or even try putting lavender oil on your pillow.


I hope these tips gave you some ideas on how to stay healthy over the break. Please look after yourselves and we look forward to seeing you soon. Happy holidays!


Charlotte Juricevich 

Student Wellbeing Team