Every Monday in A17, a group of diligent like-minded students come together to indulge themselves in the world of mathematics. Various parts of maths are explored and the minds of students are broadened. From geometric trigonometry problems to generic algebra, every aspect of maths is thoroughly investigated with the aid of Mr Georgiadis and Mr Law. This opportunity, we recognize for its potential to develop our mathematical and critical thinking skills. Enjoyable and a fun and useful way to spend a lunchtime.


Aditi Patil and Anika Karra

Year 8 Students


  1. SUDOKU Challenge McKinnon: Monday 16 March in A17. Entry closes on Friday 6 March;
  2. Computational & Algorithmic Thinking (CAT): Term 2, Wednesday 29 April ($6.50);
  3. Math Challenge: 3 weeks of Term 2, ($26);
  4. Melbourne University Math Competition: Wednesday 6 May, ($5);
  5. Australian Mathematics Competition: Thursday 30 July, ($6.50).

Cost of entry several dollars, the value of the learning experience PRICELESS!


A model of working through problems and developing critical thinking skills that can be used and applied in every facet of learning. The Math Enhancement Club is on every Monday at lunchtime in A17 for support and preparation for the Mathematics competitions.


Dr Andrey Pototskyy

Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics

Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology

Swinburne University (Hawthorn Campus)

Fields of Research: Biological Mathematics, Biological Physics and Complex Physical Systems has been working with students to support them to write their own Research papers.

Dr Andrey Pototskyy has been supporting students in the Year 10 Elective to apply what is learnt in Mathematics to examine data, explore relationships, and define them with models in order to make predictions. We would like to thank him for his efforts in supporting the project based work on climate change, bacterial motion, diffusion and population growth. The Math modelling students will use the skills developed to produce their own model of a real-world problem.


George Georgiadis

Maths Teacher