Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Each fortnight the PBL team meet to analyse data, reflect on the efforts of students and determine a focus for students to strive to achieve with the guidance and modelling of staff. 

The current focus is: Be proud, shine your light!

Our students achieve amazing things every single day and we want them to shine with pride on their educational journey. In the coming weeks the students will share their talents with you through Art on Anson, Education Week and later in the term, the school concert. We are proud to be representatives of Anson Street School.


In week 6 the PBL team will be hosting a Winter Wonderland Disco on Wednesday 24th August. Notes will go home next week and tickets will be distributed in week 5.


PBL Stars:





Congratulations to these students who have been recognised for being respectful, responsible and safe at school.


Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator

Deputy Principal


Positive Wellbeing for Learning (PWL)


This term our classes will be focusing on the character pillar of Gratitude. By taking a moment to stop and think about and be thankful for what we have and the good people in our lives we can transform the way we see the world. It helps us to have a more positive outlook in even the most difficult times. 

Students will be learning ways they can express their gratitude over this term and we look forward to sharing this with our families with some fun take home activities to come over the next few weeks.



Jenny Rosser

Instructional Leader Wellbeing