Principal's Report

Welcome to 2023

Welcome to 2023 @ KPS

I am so very pleased to be writing a newsletter again!  After a break in 2022, our newsletter is back and will be coming out fortnightly for 2023.  


I'd like to start the year with a very warm welcome. It is such a delight to have so many wonderful young people coming into our school each day and doing some fabulous learning.  As the year has started I truly enjoyed seeing everyone from last year and having the opportunity to meet new people too. The largest group of people I have met have been Foundation students, obviously, who are full of energy and anticipation as they begin their schooling life.  I have also spent time with a few students joining us from other schools who have quickly made friends and become an integral part of our community.  Finally, I have had the privilege of connecting with parents, some new and some who I have known for many years.  I am so proud of the fantastic community we have hear at KPS.


On behalf of our staff and our School Council, I welcome you all to 2023 at Kilsyth Primary School.  A year full of promise and positive directions.


Joining the team...

While the welcome mat is still out, I'd like to introduce four new members of our team here at KPS.


Jess Kidd - Teacher.    Last year, Jess came on board as a part-time PE teacher.  This year, Jess has joined the team full-time.  She has a great knowledge of the way we work as a school and has a great way with our students.  We are very pleased to have her with us this year.  Jess is teaching Senior B.


Jenni Farmilo - Chaplain.   After an extensive search for the right person, we are absolutely thrilled to have found Jenni to join our team as Chaplain.  Jenni is highly experienced in both education and chaplaincy and has already become a vital part of our wellbeing team.  Jenni is here on Mondays and Thursdays. Stop by and say "Hi" and have a coffee, or come along and catch her at Breakfast Club.


Scarlett Gooding - Ed Support.  Scarlett has joined our Ed Support team and will be working with students in classrooms across the school.  She has a long history in connecting with young people, leading camps and youth groups and is currently balancing her work here with her Bachelor of Eduction studies. Welcome Scarlett.


Jessie Gates - Social Worker Placement.  Jessie joins our wellbeing team in 2023.  She is here on an extended placement as a part of her studies to become a Social Worker.  Jessie will be working alongside Miss Johnstone and our Chaplain to support students and families.