Student of the Week Award
Prep A - Hudson O’D - For working hard in all learning and creating some great illustrations. Well done Hudson, keep it up!
Prep B - Seb K - For having a positive attitude toward all learning tasks and accepting help from adults. Well done Seb. I am really proud of you.
12A - Bobbi B - For working really hard in all areas of her learning. Well done Bobs!
12B - Tyla S - For creative storytelling using the correct structure of a narrative.
12C- Jida M-D - For his positive attitude towards learning. Keep up the great work!
34A - Jaxon B - For being an awesome team captain during your Inquiry project and supporting everyone on your team to do their best work. Well done Jaxon!
34B - Charlie F- For your excellent effort in levelling up your illustrations using our bump it up wall! Amazing work.
34C - Yagan J - Having an incredible attitude towards all your learning and continually challenging yourself to achieve wonderful things. Keep it up legend!
34D - Levi W - For being such a wonderful member of 3/4D. You are friendly, enthusiastic and always ready to learn. Fantastic Levi!
56A - Sharlotte H - For your fantastic participation in our swimming lessons this week. Well done Sharlotte!
56B - Maya P - For having a great attitude in her swimming lessons this week.
56C - Ronald K - For building your resilience to come to school everyday and stepping out of your comfort zone during swimming lessons. Keep being amazing Ronald!
56D - Darcy K - For her amazing efforts during our swimming lessons this week. Outstanding job!
1/2A- Kingi B - For showing her great numeracy skills when completing My Numeracy tasks.
Prep B - Hayley H - For working hard when identifying teen numbers and their value.
34D - Harry S - For his terrific effort during our lesson on subtraction. Harry, you were tuned in and ready to learn and demonstrated great skills!
5/6D - Ozzie D - For trying hard and taking on new challenges in maths. Great work!
1/2A - Emerson H - For her super effort when completing her ‘Book of the Year’ Can’t wait to see the finished product.
Prep B - Joey H - For working really hard during our reading sessions and beginning to use reading strategies independently.
3/4D - Charlize R - For her fabulous listening and contributions during shared reading sessions. Well done Charlize!
5/6D - Lata T - For accepting and applying feedback to level up her picture story book. Keep up the good work!
Ashtyn Southcott - for making good learning choices and using a growth mindset.