From the Principal
Last Week of Term
The last day of this term for students is Thursday, 23rd June. As previously advertised the Friday will be a Professional Planning Day for teachers. On that day staff will continue to plan for Term 3 and undertake Professional Development on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).
Stage 2 Building Works Update
The project to upgrade the Heritage Building and the grounds at the front of the school will continue over the school holidays.
Significant ground works will take place including laying trenches for plumbing, cables and electrical works, relocating drains and demolishing some areas of the playground for repurposing. You will also have noticed that scaffolding has been put around the building in preparation for replacement of the roof tiles and guttering.
During the School Holiday period there will be no access to the school from the front gates.
It has been fascinating to visit the site and see what has been hidden behind carpets and walls for over a hundred years. The old fireplaces are still there. The floorboards in the open area are in perfect condition and constructed with quality wood that still has that beautiful timber smell. The removal of whiteboards and pinboards have unearthed decorative vents and areas that were packed out with old fence palings.
I will keep you updated about progress and any implications due to the works to drop offs or pick ups if they occur via the COMPASS portal.
Principal Conference
Last week I attended a Principal Conference over two days.
A major focus of the two days was student wellbeing and the impact that COVID had and is still having on our children’s personal and social wellbeing, including anxiety, lack of persistence and resilience. Research data was unpacked and psychologists and experts in the field gave us examples of strategies to restore emotional regulation in the classroom and the school. The positive message, however, was that whilst many students’ social and emotional wellbeing has been impacted negatively by the last two years it will not take long to return to ‘normal’.
A focus for me was also attending workshops which identified current challenges around mathematics and numeracy improvement, with reference to the educational research evidence. The Department’s current suite of mathematics and numeracy support resources were showcased, and link very closely to our current focus on enabling students to connect what they are learning in the classroom to real life applications.
Michele Nolan