Year 1/2 News

Welcome to Term 3!

We welcome back all students and families to Term 3. The Year 1/2 students have been excited to reunite with their peers and teachers and have thoroughly enjoyed engaging in the new Investigation areas. This term will be an exciting one with the school concert performance in September.   

Introducing Mrs Phillips

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first week at St Raphael's!  The students and staff across the entire school have been so warm and welcoming - I feel like I've been here for years!  

A little bit of information about me - I am married and have two children - Maddie who is 12 and in year 7, and Jack who is 8 and in grade 3. As a family we barrack for North Melbourne in the AFL and Melbourne Vixens in the Super Netball.  I LOVE playing netball - I play for the Bundoora Bulls Football and Netball Club.  When I'm not playing netball or taking my children to their own sporting commitments, I enjoy going to the movies, reading and spending time with family and friends.  

I think that the best part of my job is seeing students enjoy their learning and have those "aha" moments.  

I'm looking forward to getting to know the students more as the weeks go on! 

Inquiry - 'The Arts'

This term, we are focusing on The Arts for our Inquiry unit. We will be exploring the different elements of drama, music and media arts and immersing the students in various activities that incorporate these areas. 

Below are some concept maps the students completed on the elements of drama.


In Literacy, we have been exploring various types of rhymes including nursery rhymes and nonsense rhymes. The students have enjoyed listening to and reciting these rhymes. 

Here are some clips that we have included in our reading lessons. The teachers definitely experienced some nostalgia watching these rhymes!


The students have been discussing the quality of bravery and courage and identifying ways they display these qualities. Last week, they designed their own superhero cape and wrote an affirmation or described ways they are brave. Here are some examples below.

Learning Intentions & Timetables

Parent Helpers Roster

Contact Details

Jackie Moloney

Melanie Pizzonia

Phoebe Tune     

Georgia Cavin   

Samantha Phillips


Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.