
Melanie Pizzonia 

Indigenous Storytelling

In celebrating NAIDOC Week recently, I discovered Dreamy; a collection of sleep stories created by First Nations storytellers. ​Brought to you by Common Ground and Snapchat, you can listen to each of the stories and learn more about the storytellers. Click on the image below to discover more. 

Dreaming With Eyes Open

Book Week 2022

Children's Book Week is an annual celebration of reading for pleasure for children of primary school age. It is a fantastic opportunity to spend time reading any of your favourite children's books! This year, 2022, marks the 100th Anniversary of Children's Book Week. At St. Raphael's, we will be celebrating Book Week in Week 7, and we can't wait to dive into the shortlisted books as well as our own favourites.

Mike Lucas

Poet Mike Lucas writes a beautiful poem around the Book Week theme each year. Mike is also incredibly generous in allowing schools to use this poem. Enjoy his poem below, or try to create your own poem. This is a great activity to link reading and writing together. 


Email your poem to Mrs. Pizzonia (, so we can enjoy reading your writing too!