

Christ Centred Mindfulness

At St Raphael's, we continue to engage with and practice Christ Centred Mindfulness. The practice focuses on connecting with Self and God. It requires the use of one's five senses while focusing on one thing at a time. Christ Centred Mindfulness is being recognised as a  rich Christian tradition and the practice of one's faith in contemporary society. This rediscovery of Christ Centred Mindfulness has come at a time when there is more emphasis on the practice of the spiritual disciplines, such as fasting, silence, sabbath, worship, and living simply and with gratitude. Christ Centred Mindfulness is seen as a form of prayer. Thinking, talking, and prayer is an active mind balance this with mindful prayer in the quiet mind. Contemplative prayer or Christ-centred mindfulness is a great way to learn to be still and listen to God's words. It is a form of silent prayer that complements our mental prayer practice. When we practice both quiet and mental prayer together, it encourages us to have a healthy two-way relationship with God, in the same way, that Jesus' teaching on the vine and branches emphasises the need to abide in Christ (John 15:1-14). On a weekly bases, students engage with the practice of Christ Centred Mindfulness during morning prayer. 

Sacrament of First Reconciliation and Eucharist

The Year 4 students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist through formal instructional lessons. Over the term, students will explore concepts such as relationships, forgiveness, healing, and celebrating Jesus' presence in their lives. Students will explore the belief that if all people are created in the image and likeness of God when people are treated unfairly, we disrespect the God in them. Also, the kingdom of God occurs when we engage with and encounter others. As part of the student's faith formation, any child in Year Four who will receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and Eucharist must participate in the following celebrations and events. It is important that the following dates be added to the calendar. 


Yr 4 First Reconciliation  & Eucharist Parent/Child Information Evening -Thursday 4/8/22 @ 6.30 pm (Onsite-face to face)

Yr 4 Initiation/Commitment Mass Saturday 6/8/22 @ 6 pm or Sunday 7/8/22 @ 10.30 am

Yr 4 First Eucharist- Working Mass- to be conducted by Fr Simon on the last four Fridays of the term (during school hours).

Saturday 8/10: Sacrament of First Eucharist ceremony will be celebrated at 3 pm (St Raphael’s Parish Church- not a parish mass)