SPICE-Supported Playgroup Igniting Children's Engagement

SPICE Begins!
Term 3 has begun and so has Playgroup at St Raphael's. It was lovely to greet and meet all parents and children who attended our first session of Playgroup this year. The premise of SPICE is having parents engage with their children during informal play. It was wonderful to see every parent in our group interact, participate and play so brilliantly. The children showed little inhibition and wonderful curiosity as they imagined and played in different areas.
These images tell 1000 words!
This term, Playgroup will take place every Wednesday from 9:30am-11am.
If you have a pre-school child and would like to take part, simply complete the enrolment form below and email it to :
Lorraine Uzunovski- uzul@srprestonwest.catholic.edu.au
Please note, our Playgroup session Wednesday 20th July has been cancelled. We are permanently relocating our St Raphael's Playgroup to our aftercare room, which is located next to our school hall and can be accessed via the Breen Street entrance.
As of next week, please enter our school via the Breen Street entrance.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing you and your lovely children Wednesday 27th July.
SPICE Enrolment Forms