Year 11 Community Day
“In the morning when you wake up you can choose to be negative or to be kind and make someone’s day. You get to choose this every day. Will you choose to be kind?”
This was one of Chris Doyle’s many messages on our Year 11 Community Day on Tuesday 28th June. Chris, our presenter for the day, represents Karis Ministries and has a long association with Kildare Catholic College. Through tapping into our common love of KFC, chicken nuggets, Mars Bars, Abba and ginger hair, Chris challenged us with his unique combination of song, comedy and prayer to reflect on all things human. In sharing a meal, making body sculptures, conga lines and much laughter we were inspired to clarify our values and faith identities as individuals and a cohort. Year 11 enthusiastically enjoyed the opportunity to take a break from the rigours of senior study and embraced the day with courage and honesty. Thanks to Steph Garrod, Lindsay Loke, Cam Gaffney, Tom Pulver, Tom Hull, Amanda Ryan, Clem Patterson, David Kennedy, Bryce Thomas and Narelle Potts for making the day possible. The final word belongs to Chris Doyle:
“Look at me: I’ve got a head like a peanut and enough eyebrows for five people. But I’m made in the image of God and it’s my job to love.”
Nicole Goggin | Year 11 Coordinator