Principal Message
Welcome back to the new term, which is looking just as challenging as the last one with Covid. We are all strongly encouraged to mask up, particularly over the next four weeks, as this wave of Omicron impacts us all. Thank you for your support encouraging your children in that also.
Year 12are in their last phase of preparations for the HSC Trials and we wish them well. When a family has a Year 12 in their house we know they need extra support and parenting. There might be a tendency to try to give them space or leave them alone. That’s quite valid in regard to e.g chores but as parents, we need to ensure they are getting a good eight to nine hours of night sleep, are eating well, staying hydrated - water instead of caffeinated energy drinks and managing their studying routines well.
Educators refer to this as managing cognitive load. Best practice advice would be to suggest they build a ten minute break into every hour.
Goal Setting. All students have been asked to revisit their semester reports, and plan learning goals for the term ahead. Homegroup coaches will work with their students to coach them through their goals as the term progresses. We use the ismart process to set the goals that are Inspiring, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results Driven, Time Bound. I would encourage all parents to discuss with their son/daughter what their goals are and how they can support them.
Calendar. You will notice that on the College website now is a link to the public calendar. Link. You can also access calendar events via the Compass mobile app, simply click on the Calendar icon on the bottom of the screen. We have been conscious that perhaps some of this, and procedures around some other things, can be opaque to parents. We are working to rectify this and welcome your patience as we work this through. Part of our planning is to redevelop the College website as part of a significant piece around marketing and communications. A key question for us is whether our current methods are meeting needs.
Respectful Interactions. We all value respectful interactions with people we come into contact with. I noted this in a social media feed recently re what is on a hospital door. Given some interactions we have had over time, I just thought I’d remind us all to ensure that our interactions are always respectful, that we manage our energy, which I thought was a nice way of putting it. These are generally a small minority of what are usually quite pleasant interactions.
Covid has lifted our energy levels and I know I do find that some people escalate much more quickly than they might have in the past. Our College staff are doing their best and have the best interests of students and families at heart. It is beholden on us to be respectful as professionals but I do think it is beholden on all of us to ‘manage our energy’ so that interactions are respectful. Staff are entitled to be safe in their workspace and it is my responsibility to uphold that. Thank you for your help with this.
Building/Capital Work at the College over the Holidays. You would hopefully have noticed through social media posts that significant work has been completed over the holidays. The Mount Erin bathrooms have been opened for student use and the feedback has been very positive. Two new demountables, with innovative furniture, have been commissioned for use and classes are starting to embrace the possibilities.
These will work as a lab for teachers to try different configurations, testing the agility of the learning space in preparation for the exciting new buildings that will come with the rebuild. I am very grateful to Ms Andrea Blair, Mr Jeff Guymer and their teams of support staff who have overseen these projects and brought them to fruition.
They, like myself, are committed to our students having the best we can provide within our budget constraints and providing good stewardship of parent money.
Strategic Planning. The College Leadership Team has received a fulsome draft from Dr Michael Slattery and are working now to refine it given the draft reflects all the feedback received from staff, students and parents. Our plan is to have this major project completed by the end of term.
Sr. Carmel Wallis Sr. Carmel had the major milestone of turning 80 over the holidays. She is a frequent and welcome presence in the College usually with dog Gus in tow and her contribution to the life of the place is significant. As a former staff member and Presentation sister she really is a living icon of Kildare who continues to give through her inspirational work at Erin Earth. On your behalf we delivered flowers and a gift. She would want me to remind you that Erin Earth is having an Open morning this Saturday 30th July and that you are all welcome.