R.E. & Social Justice News

By Fulvia Gerosolimo

This Week’s Character Virtue: 

Mercy means choosing not to hold onto someone’s wrong action against them and letting go of anger and bitterness. When Peter asked Jesus how many times one should forgive, Jesus responded: “I do not say seven times but seventy times.” Jesus’ words are metaphoric and can be understood to say that we should always forgive, no matter what.

St Vinnies say THANK YOU

Thank you to the many families who last term donated non perishable food for St Vincent de Paul.  At the end of  last term, John Bruce, who works for St Vincent de Paul in the Manningham area, collected all the food, blankets, socks and beanies. Alyssa, Asher, Dante, Jonathan, Aria, Robyn and Mrs Tomazos helped fill his car with all your generous donations. John was overwhelmed with the generosity of our community.

This food and warm clothing was distributed over the holidays to families in our area who are struggling to put food on their table and to those who are unable to find shelter and sleeping on the streets. Together we were able to feed and give warmth to those in need.

Thank you!

The Feast of St Joachim & St Anne - Tuesday 26th July

Next Tuesday (26/07) we welcome EVERYONE to celebrate the feast day of  St. Joachim and St. Anne, the parents of the Virgin Mary. These were Jesus’ grandparents, hence the celebration day of all our grandparents.  Despite the importance of their role as the maternal grandparents of Jesus, we do not know too much about them.

Regarding Joachim, we know that he was a shepherd from Jerusalem, married to Anne. They did not have any children, and they were a rather elderly couple when, one day, while Joachim was at work in the fields as usual, an angel appeared to announce the birth of a child, and Anna also had the same vision.

So they called their little girl Mary, which means “loved by God,” and then they moved to Nazareth, where they educated Mary, teaching her the law of the Lord. St. Anne is invoked as the protector of pregnant women, who turn to her to obtain from God three great favours: a happy birth, a healthy child, and sufficient milk to be able to raise the baby. She is the patron of many jobs related to her duties as mother. 

On Tuesday we give thanks to all our grandparents and special persons, those here with us and those who have left us and are our guardian angels. Every blessing and love to all who have been blessed with the title. 

Saturday 16th July @5.30p.m. - First Eucharist Commitment Mass for Year 4 Students 

Sunday 17th July @10.00a.m. - First Eucharist Commitment Mass for Year 4 Students 

Tuesday 26th July @8.55a.m. - Grandparents/Special Person morning followed by mass at 10.15a.m. ALL WELCOME!

Thursday 28th July @9.30a.m. - 3.00p.m.  - First Eucharist Reflection Day for Year 4, 5 & 6 students receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist this year. 

Thursday 28th July @7.00p.m. - 8.00p.m. - First Eucharist for Year 4 Parent/Child workshop in the Church. Parent/s & child to attend

Saturday 13th August @5.30p.m. - Sacrament of First Eucharist for our Year 4, 5 & 6 students receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist this year. 

Monday 15th August @9.15a.m. - Feast of the Assumption - Mass - ALL WELCOME!


Every blessing, 

Fulvia Gerosolimo


Don't forget about the parish website which has fabulous articles and children’s activities. Also each week in the Family Page and Fun (scan QR code to go straight to page)




section of the website there are links to that weekend's Gospel activities. There are two gospel links: one for the juniors and one for the seniors. These activities can be downloaded and printed or just viewed. These worksheets will help the children understand the gospel message for that particular reading.




Please take a look at the Parish Newsletter too. There is lots of great information and inspiration in this document each week.
