Kitchen and Garden & Sustainability News
Today was the last week for year 4's in the garden. We had a super productive day and the patch looks fabulous!
Our main focus was compost and the students all shared what they would or would not put in the compost bin. Basically if it comes from the earth it can go back to the earth. Today we layered carbon (newspaper, dry leaves, straw, coffee grounds and cardboard) and nitrogen (chook manure, grass clippings) to begin a new open compost bay. With some regular turning, it should be ready to use as nutricious soil for our spring planting. After the composting, we all got busy weeding. Our chookies have a gourmet pile of greens to fill up on now.
Next term our year 5s will join us in the patch and I can't wait to share my garden knowledge with them.
I would also like to put a huge shout out to our volunteers!! The patch wouldn't be the same without your passion and handy work! THANK YOU!!
If you would like to help in the patch, please send me an email. Your welcome to come help with a garden class or you may be available for some gardening at another time. Either way, we would absolutely love your help. The garden is for all of us to enjoy.
Such a great term with our Grade 4's. We are continually wowed by our students abilities and creations in the kitchen. Our Shared Table has included pies, muffins, sausage rolls, biscuits, dips, a variety of salads, damper, bread rolls, soup, risotto and pizza, all made from scratch and delicious! It has been an absolute pleasure to be in the kitchen with this amazing team.
A big thank you to all our volunteers this term, we appreciate your help enormously.
Here are a few more photos of the rest of the Grade 4's cooking with our indigenous ingredients.
Happy holiday cooking!
We need your help! The kitchen and garden is a really fun place to spend an hour or 2 and we would love you to come and help out the students.
Every Wednesday the kitchen and garden comes alive and the students thrive cooking and playing in the garden, however they need your help! If you have a special skill to share or simply want to come and get your hands dirty then please get in contact with Clancey or Fleur. Your help is extremely valuable and we need more wonderful people to come along to our sessions:
Clancey for garden classes –
Fleur for kitchen classes -
Don't despair if you are not free on a Wednesday!! Please get in touch with us as there are so many opportunities to make a difference. There are lots of things you can do.
*Volunteers require a working with children check, a my gov certificate to show triple vaccination status and will need to do a brief induction at the office prior to volunteering. (only the once).