Student Achievements
Student Awards
Here at Surfside we have four very important School Values, they are:
Respect, Honesty, Teamwork and Achievement.
Congratulations to the following students, who have recently been presented with a Student Award for their recognition and demonstration of one or more of our School Values:
Onyx | Bruce | F1 | For always trying hard in writing and using your whole body listening manners, during class times. Well done, Onyx! |
Indiana | Fraser | F1 | For applying yourself to writing in class and having a go! |
Georgie | Maxwell | F2 | For always bringing a great attitude to class and being a good person! Well done, Legend! |
Lucy | Werner | F2 | For always working hard during every session and being a terrific class mate! Well done, Lucy |
Kaia | Damen | F5 | For always trying your best and using great words in your writing. Keep it up, Kaia! |
Charles | Wall | F5 | For great effort in writing and challenging yourself. Keep it up Charles! |
Jarvis | Ward | F6 | For always showing respect when working with others. Keep it up, Jarvis. |
Flyn | Ainley | F6 | For working hard to improve your listening and focus on the floor. Keep it up, Flyn! |
Callum | Duggan | J3 | For your consistently positive attitude toward learning. Keep up the amazing work, Callum! |
Lucas | Quick | J3 | For your persistence in publishing your amazing information report 'Kid Favourite Chameleons'. Well done, Lucas! |
Jarvis | Phelan | J8 | For continually showing great enthusiasm in literacy resulting in fantastic progress in spelling and writing. |
Conor | McNamara | J8 | For taking on a huge reading challenge and making a great effort in Literacy this term. |
Thomas | Lander-Wright | J9 | For your fantastic effort and focus when writing sentences using conjunctions. Keep up the great work! |
Fynn | Veldhuis | J9 | For being a kind and respectful member of our class who gives tremendous effort in all learning areas. |
Eden | Greaves | J10 | For being a respectful and thoughtful classmate to your peers all of the time. You are a great role model to others, Eden! |
Eleanor | Crowther | J10 | For consistently putting in your best effort across all areas of your learning. Keep up the superstar attitude Eleanor! |
Phoenix | Sinnott | J24 | For working hard to improve your handwriting, taking great care to write on the lines. |
Matilda | Thomson | J24 | For putting in a top effort into all your learning, and being a helpful and caring classmate. |
Cassidy | Lewis | M18 | For sticking to tasks, working through challenges and using feedback to improve your learning. Great work, Cass! |
Fynn | Rodgers | M18 | For working so well on your personal goals for learning. This work is allowing your lovely, true self to shine through. |
Axl | Pascoe | M22 | For showing determination and creativity in your Night and Day presentation. Great to see Axl, keep it up! |
Alienna | Veldhuis | M22 | For being a considerate and caring member of M22. Thank you for your positivity each day! |
Lorena | Mineo | M23 | For making a positive start to your time in M23. You have hit the ground running, trying your best every day and always showing our school value of respect. We are so lucky to have you in our class, Lorena! |
Tilly | Wall | M23 | For doing a fantastic job on your Sundew information report, challenging yourself to uplevel your writing. Keep it up, Tilly! |
Gabriel | Glover | S12 | For your incredible effort during our unit on Decimals, you have remained focussed and challenged yourself, therefore achieving some amazing results. |
Amelie | Ellul | S15 | For your in-depth contributions during class discussions. Keep up the amazing work, Amelie! |
Blake | Paxton | S16 | For continuing to engage in your learning even when faced with a very challenging time. |
Tyler | Tucker | S16 | For working hard to find confidence in yourself to trust in your ability as a learner. |
Harry | Thomson | S17 | For showing determination and a growth mindset when calculating time to the nearest minute. |
Oliver | Renkin | S17 | For always showing a mature and responsible approach towards your learning. |