Classroom News & Events
Travel Smart on Fridays
Results for week 8 of Travel Smart are:
Whole school total was 41%
Golden Shoe winners:
Junior - J10 with 50%
Middle - M18 with 52%
Senior - S16 with 43%
Happy walking, riding, skating or scooting!
Penny Morris
Travel Smart Co-ordinator
M22 Music Performance
We had big plans for M22 to perform ‘Dance Monkey’ at assembly this week, unfortunately the weather was not in our favour. Not to worry, M22 performed the track in front of the camera in the music room instead, so you can still watch them in action. M22 have only been playing this song for three lesson and each lesson the students learnt how to play it on a different instrument. Well done M22 for coming so far in such a little time!
Crazy Sock Day - School Fundraiser
It was great to see socks of all colours, designs and flair around the school today. There were so many unicorn socks that kids could be flying around the playground. We raised approximately $350 that will help support some recent upgrades in the Foundation playground.
Premier's Reading Challenge