Student Achievement Awards - 6/6/2022


Adhrit this week you have shown FR what a great mathematician you are. You have shown persistence and enthusiasm in writing and solving addition problems and have really grown as a mathematician! Awesome work Adhrit!


For your enthusiasm in phonics when writing about the 'Pig with a Wig'. You drew a detailed picture and used your sounds to independently write your very entertaining sentences.


Ashley you have been so fantastic with our new addition topic in Mathematics. You showed determination when completing your sums on the numberline. You circled the big man and then jumped to find your answer. Keep up the brilliant work!


Congratulations on the fantastic alleration you wrote. You successfully thought of a number of words that started with the letter B to create a great alleration. Great work, well done.


Alexander, you thought deeply during Reading lessons this week. After reading Feathers for Phoebe you were able to describe the lesson the character learnt and make connections with your own experiences as well as with other texts you have read before. Well done!


Well done Jiachen for your fantastic work during Reading lessons this week. You used your class time effectively to identify the character's feelings throughout the book and you made well thought out text-to-text connections with three other books. Keep up the wonderful work!


Ashtin has demonstrated his friendly and caring nature by developing new friends and assisting others in the classroom. Ashtin has diligently completed all classroom tasks and applied himself to his learning. Well done Ashtin, what a super week!


Thank you Olivia for always being so kind and helpful in the classroom. You showed determination and a willingness to learn during many lessons last week including how to draw 3D shapes to calculate their volume. Well done!


Well done Geeth on maintaining an enthusiastic and determined work ethic in the classroom at all times. You are a wonderful role model to your peers, always leading the way with motivation and positivity. Way to go!


Congratulations Sezen on being such a motivated student and a terrific role model to your peers! I love the initiative you've shown with keeping your Writer's Notebook up-to-date and starting our 'What Went Well' Google Drive task early. You're awesome!


Elly has shown a very positive and responsible attitude to catching up with any missed work due to music lessons and sporting events. Elly is always willing to help and support other classmates with their learning. Awesome work, Elly!


Congratulations Audrey on your amazing general knowledge during our endangered species incursion. It was fantastic to see you share your knowledge about animals. You are a Super Star.


Congratulation Heran on the fantastic job you did with your Oral Presentation on Glen Waverley. You spoke very clearly, you had interesting information and I could tell you had practised a lot. Keep up the great work!