From the Principal
Year 8 Drama 'Children's Theatre' performances, June 2022.
From the Principal
Year 8 Drama 'Children's Theatre' performances, June 2022.
In thanking you for your support and contribution at the end of Semester 1, I do so conscious of the resilience and resourcefulness that students, staff and parents and carers have displayed during the past six months. In excess of 400 students and over 50 staff have contracted COVID-19 and whilst the majority have recovered well, there have been several students and staff seriously impacted by illness leading to extended absence and lingering symptoms. It is my hope that the three week break is a circuit breaker to enable everyone to rest and re charge for the second half of the year.
As you know we have taken a cautious approach this year to reinstating school events, wary of the potential for a COVID outbreak. We have continued to minimise the size of gatherings, including modifying Primary assemblies and putting Secondary assemblies on hold. We were, however, content to hold the Year 11 Dinner Dance last Friday night, the only official social occasion for our Year 11s who look forward to it immensely. Unfortunately despite all precautions, some students and staff caught the virus which just emphasises the ease of contagion. Hopefully all will recover quickly and enjoy the holiday period.
Unless unforeseen circumstances arise, next term we look forward to more opportunities for parent involvement and traditional celebrations such as Founders' Day. During my meeting with the Head Prefects this week they expressed great enthusiasm about student activities in Term 3.
Staff News
This term we farewell and thank a number of staff for their contribution to the School. In addition, several staff are taking a well -deserved period of Long Service Leave and two long serving staff are retiring:
The retirement of Ann Brightmore and Helen Claridge, after 20 and 14.5 years' service respectively, will be keenly felt. Both have given fine service to the School and we wish them good health and great joy in retirement.
Miss Evie Dodge, presently the Community Engagement Officer, has been appointed as our new Registrar. Miss Jessica McKenzie, who has fulfilled a variety of roles at the School, has been appointed as Community Engagement Officer from Term 3.
Enrolments for 2023
The School is currently experiencing enrolment growth with strong interest in all year levels for 2023 and beyond. Year 7, our main intake year in the Secondary School, is now full for 2023, with a cohort of 128 students. I am still happy to receive applications for Year 7 but they will be placed on the wait list. Some of the Primary years are also full or close to capacity. Should you be planning to enrol a sibling for next year, I urge you not to delay making application. This can be done through EnrolHQ on our website. Please also inform your friends if they are considering John Wollaston for their children's education.
Some families are choosing to enrol their child earlier than originally planned to secure a place at the School. This avoids the bottle neck of Year 7 and also enables a valuable period of settling in to the new environment and making friends before transitioning to the Secondary years. Should you wish to discuss any matter pertaining to enrolments, please do not hesitate to contact the Registrar.
With good wishes for a relaxing winter break.
Anne Ford