IT Support

IT Support
If you experience an issue with any IT system or peripheral, please log a help desk call on the portal and Pushp or Andy will resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
For urgent IT support, please call extension 214.
We kindly ask that you please log IT help desk calls rather than catching Andy or Pushp and notifying them of your issues verbally and be patient whilst they work through the all outstanding IT help desk calls.
SeeSaw (including New Messaging)
We are aiming again to have 100% of our families connected to SeeSaw and Xuno in 2022. To support our as many families as possible to be connected to SeeSaw, can classroom teachers please print off parent invites in SeeSaw for any families who are not yet connected for the upcoming SSGs.
Should you need assistance with printing your family invites, please review this article or contact IT support.
As you may have noticed, Messaging in SeeSaw has changed. For further guideance and support in using SeeSaw Messgages, please see the attached PD Slides, Video and Handout below.
PBIS Rewards App Support Center
For further support and guidance on using the PBIS Rewards App, please visit their Support Centre at:
You can also watch videos on their YouTube page:
New Photocopiers - Update
Our new photocopiers have been ordered but we are experiencing a delay in the delivery of these photocopiers due to supply issues.
We are hopeful the new devices will arrive sometime this term.
Further information will be provided to staff on features and usage closer to when the photocopier are due to be delivered.
Changes to printing from iOS/iPadOS (iPads and iPhones) & macOS
Over the holidays, the IT team has completed migrating the remainder of our servers/services to DET's infrastructure/domain as part of our @Education migration project.
As a result of the migration, there have been some changes to how we print to our fleet of printers from iPhones, iPads and Macs.
For most staff, no action is required as the required settings has been pushed out through our MDM Microsoft Endpoint to all staff and student iPads.
For staff who wish to print from their personal iPhones, please visit Mobility Print- IOS setup ( and install the required profile.
The printing experience will continue to be the same as once the profile has been installed.
For our mac users, please visit Mobility Print- MacOS setup ( and install the required client.
Until our new photocopiers arrive, we have restricted printing from iOS/iPadOS/macOS devices to just the photocopier and admin photocopiers.
Should you need assistance setting up the photocopiers on your personal iPhones or mac, please log an IT help desk call on the portal.
Communication through Teams and Email
When using Teams, please remember to @mention staff members or teams so they receive notifications. We ask all staff members to remember to 'like' important messages so the sender knows these have been received.
Any important whole-school information and messages will continue to be sent via email so they don't get missed in the Staffroom message feed. Please continue to check your emails daily.
For further support and training on using Microsoft Teams, please visit: