New Child Standards

1st July 2022

New Child Safe Standards begin on 1st July 2022.  We have built on existing child safety strategies, policies and practices to strengthen their culture of child safety and protect children from abuse and harm.

The Jackson School Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy demonstrates our school’s commitment to creating and maintaining a child safe and child-friendly organisation, where children and young people are safe and feel safe. This policy provides an overview of our school’s approach to implementing Ministerial Order 1359 (PDF, 363KB) which sets out how the Victorian Child Safe Standards apply in school environments. It informs our school community of everyone’s obligations to act safely and appropriately towards children and guides our processes and practices for the safety and wellbeing of students across all areas of our work.


The new Child Safe Standards are:

  1. Culturally safe environments
  2. Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in leadership, governance and culture
  3. Child and student empowerment
  4. Family engagement
  5. Diversity and Equity
  6. Suitable staff and volunteers
  7. Complaints processes
  8. Child safety knowledge, skills, and awareness
  9. Child safety in physical and online environments
  10. Review of child safety practices
  11. Implementation of child safe practices

To view our Jackson School Policy Advisory Library with child safe standards policy and guidelines, please visit: or visit our website.

  • Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy
  • Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures
  • Code of Conduct
  • Risk Register

For more information please visit: 


Alex Baynes our School Social Worker / Child Safety Officer continues to work with the families and student vulnerable support groups. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Alex, Robyn, myself or any member of the leadership team if you are concerned about a child's safety. For emergency assistance where a child is in danger always call 000. 


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