Diary Dates

& Important News

Important Dates

13th December - Terrific Kids Assembly

13th December - Year 3 & 4 Movie & Park day

15th December - Year 6 Graduation

16th December - Reports go Home

17th December - Last day of Term 4, students finish at 1.30pm

2022 Term Dates

Term 1 - 31st January - 8th April

Term 2 - 26th April - 24th June

Term 3 - 11th July - 16th September

Term 4 - 3rd October - 20th December

From the Library - URGENT

A reminder that all library books are due back NOW and Year 6 students must return all their library books prior to leaving the school.


In lieu of any LOST or damaged books, the school encourages and would greatly appreciate a NEW book OR a monetary donation, which can be made at the office.  Pre-loved children's book donations, that are in good condition, are always greatly appreciated and accepted by the school library, so please consider this when weeding through your children's bookshelves - thank you!

ICAS Results

ICAS Certificates will be sent to the school early next year and then given out.  Parents can log onto the ICAS Assessments Results Portal to see their child's results, if log ins are required contact ICAS on 1800 931 775.

Hats & Masks

Please ensure that your child has a hat at school as they must wear them outside this Term and Term 1 next year.  Hats can be purchased from PSW in Glen Waverley, and there are also a small number for sale at the office.


Students wearing masks should bring them from home, as well as a spare, as the school has limited supplies of masks.