Principal's Report

Dear all families,
P&C Meeting
We will be having our P&C meeting on Friday the 12th of November at 9:00 in the Meeting Room. If you are not able to join the P&C meeting in person, a link to join the meeting virtually will be sent out via Facebook.
Parent Engagement
At Rockhampton North Special School, we are committed to providing a safe, inclusive and supportive environment which promotes open communication, respect, fairness and positive relationships between all stakeholders. Successful communication strategies are an integral part of strengthening and advocating the philosophy of Rockhampton North Special School, both within the school community and with the general public. Parents and families play an important role in supporting their child's education. The primary motivation for families to become involved in the school is the belief that their actions will improve their children’s learning and wellbeing.
Over the past few months, our staff have been investigating ways to connect our families to the learning of students. We thought that Seesaw will be an ideal avenue for families to connect with the school. We will be purchasing Seesaw for all students and we will support families regarding how to use Seesaw. The feedback that we had from families and staff trailing in the use of Seesaw has been very positive. In the Seesaw app, teachers will be able to regularly share with you the work that students are doing in the classroom and you will be able to provide comments. I enjoy reading the positive comments that families made related to our students work.
Additionally we will be having a ‘meet the teacher’ evening in week 3 of Term 1 of 2022. Please keep Wednesday afternoon the 9th of February free to meet your child’s teacher. We will be sending out further information over the course of the year to invite families to celebrate the work that students are doing. We have a member of staff dedicated to showcasing our school on Facebook and Instagram. As you are aware, we have seen a huge amount of success in this space.
Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions on strengthening our partnership with families.
Day for Daniel
We encourage families to start conversations with your children and young people about personal safety. Talking about personal safety is one of the most important things you can do as a parent or carer. Personal safety education provides children with the knowledge they need to recognise potentially unsafe situations or people and know how to respond. It is part of preventing abuse and keeping kids safe. As a school we acknowledge the importance of Child Safety and acknowledge Day for Daniel as Australia’s largest child safety education and awareness day. This event is held annually on the last Friday of October, Day for Daniel honours the memory of Daniel Morcombe. Please find the link below if you would like to know more about what you can do at home to support the personal safety of your child.
World Teacher's Day
We celebrated World Teacher's Day on Friday the 29th of October. World Teachers' Day is a chance to recognise and celebrate the incredible contributions teachers have made in Queensland communities. This year, our teachers have continued to show their resilience, leadership and adaptability throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers have adapted their learning environments, supported their students and school communities, and continue to share their knowledge with students across the state. World Teacher's Day 2021 has been a great opportunity to celebrate the teachers who are making, or have made an impact on our lives. Whether you're a current student, have children in school, or have been out of school for many years, World Teacher's Day is a chance to say, ‘thank you’.
I want to use this opportunity to say THANK YOU to all of our staff at our amazing school for all of your hard work and dedication in ensuring that every student succeeds in their learning.
Have a fabulous week.
Kind regards,