Teaching and Learning
Room 6
Throughout the year, Room 6 have been growing vegetables in the vegetable garden. The students have had to weed, water and take care of the garden. Fortunately, the students have been able to host two markets where they have sold some veggies to the West Beach community. The students had to consider what price to make the vegetables, calculate money and change. Students made signs with prices and pictures of the vegetables. To show what they sold, the students then made a bar and pictograph chart. One shows what vegetables they grew and the other shows what vegetables they sold.
Well done on all your efforts Room 6.
Did you know that the colours orange and pink are the easiest to remember in Japanese? Orenji and pinku are based on the English words so they don't sound very different at all!
Room 1 & 2 have been learning to say, understand and read colour words in Japanese. We have playing games and reading stories that feature these words and the students have enjoyed the challenge.
We made some coloured rainbows while learning the 'I Can Sing a Rainbow' song in Japanese too. They were lots of fun to make and we think they look great!
Why not scan the QR code below to play a 'Colours Quiz' at home!
PE News
Last Wednesday our year 3,4 and 5 students celebrated PE Week by attending a hockey carnival hosted by the Adelaide Uni Hockey Club, situated about 500m walk from school. The Competition was named the West Beach Cup.
We had 16 teams across the boys and girls competitions and as per usual our students did a fantastic job in representing our school. They were firece and determined in competition, but displayed team comradory and sportsmanship which makes me incredibly proud.
After 5 games each in a round robin competition, we had 2 of our girls teams take home the bronze and silver, and 2 boys teams take home silver and gold (shared with Henley PS). Well done on these fantastic achievements.
Thanks to the classroom teachers, parents and students who were able to make it happen. If you had a great time, AUHC are looking for more junior numbers to fill their teams for the 2022, term 2 and 3 season. Training and programs start in term 1. Please contact juniors@auhc.asn.au
Todd Kitto
Science News
Is sand a solid or liquid? Ask Room 7&8 students and they will be able to tell you! They looked at sand through a microscope and poured it into a bucket to see how it poured. Then they drew conclusions about what it might be and discovered the answer.
If you want to know, ask the expert scientists!