There are many advantages apart from deeper learning and improved results to making the most of classtime.   By completing more work in class you will have less to do at home, your teacher will be pleased with your application and so will your parents when they read your report, and of course, you will learn more! And if you don’t use classtime efficiently? Well you will have to do more work at home, you will find you don’t always understand the work, your teachers will have to be continually disciplining you and you may even make it harder for other people in your class to learn. It’s a no-brainer!


What does working effectively in class mean?

  1. Sit next to someone who will help you stay on task rather than someone who distracts you.
  2. Ask questions whenever you are unsure, unclear or do not understand something.
  3. Be polite and respectful of your teacher and your classmates at all times.
  4. Come prepared to the lesson with all the books, technology and equipment you will need.
  5. Contribute your thoughts and ideas at the appropriate times.
  6. If you find yourself day-dreaming, ask yourself questions about what is going on or take notes about what is being discussed so you regain your focus.
  7. Try at all times to stay on task and be engaged in the work you are doing.


Learn more this year about how to work effectively at home and at school by working through the units on Our school’s access details are: 


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