Parent Information Session
Play is the Way Parent Information Session
When: Wednesday 1st August
Time: 7.00 pm – 8.30pm
Where: Loch Hall
Who: Parents & Students
Refreshments, fun & laughter provided
You're Invited
Dear Parents & Guardians,
I’m writing to personally invite you to attend our special parent evening event with Wilson McCaskill. Wilson has developed the ‘Play is the Way’ program from years of experience working with children and we have been implementing this program at Loch Primary School for the past 18months. Wilson visited Loch last year and the parent feedback was overwhelmingly positive with many parents requesting a repeat session this year.
Play Is The Way helps teachers to help students develop the life and learning skills necessary to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. These skills are often called personal and social capabilities/competencies or pro-social behaviour. They are essential if children are to reach their academic potential. They are also the skills we all use to handle ourselves, our relationships and our work effectively and ethically.
The session is not a workshop on parenting and does not give advice on parenting within the home and family setting. It does illustrate how the Play Is The Way methodology works in schools and ways in which parents and carers can support the social and emotional learning of their children.
Our parent evening is booked for Wednesday 1st August and will be held at the Loch Hall. I understand that families have many commitments on various days of the week but do ask that you adjust your calendars so you don’t miss this event. Our students will be involved for parts of the evening and are looking forward to showing parents some of their new skills. Whilst Wilson is presenting to parents, children will be supervised by staff.
I would very much appreciate your attendance and support at this event. Clear communication between school and home is essential for us to provide the best educational opportunities for our children. Attending this session will provide you with valuable information and help you to understand the approach we are using at school.
Please RSVP by Monday 30th July for catering purposes.
Yours Sincerely,
Tracey King