Performing Arts
Performing Arts News
Middle school students spent their last Performing Arts lesson in Term Two writing a rap song to be included in the school production later in the year. They used this model as inspiration;
‘There’s a beat to the village, there’s a hum in the street
It’s a place where people go, it’s a place where people meet’.
Students worked in pairs to think about what Loch would be like if it became really busy and crowded (as it sometimes is at weekends!). They came up with some very creative ideas for rhyming sentences, presenting unusual and interesting vocabulary and figures of speech such as likening people to sheep. They even attempted some ‘onomatopoeia’ to illustrate the sounds of horns blaring and car doors banging. The students had learned that word syllables can be represented by rhythmic symbols such as ti-ti for short sounds and ta for longer sounds. Using this system they were able to place their rap lyrics neatly over a steady beat. The final flourish to their fabulous compositions came with the clever use of rhyming words to end each of their sentences, some of which showed impressive thinking ‘outside the box’. We will be keeping the rap a secret for now so that it is a surprise when parents come to the concert later in the year, but it was wonderful to see the excitement and enthusiasm generated when the students found that they had the skills at their fingertips to become budding song writers!
Our end of year musical is confirmed for Friday 14th December. Mark this date in your calendars as it will be a fabulous night that you will not want to miss!