Welcome Back

Welcome back to Term Three!


We hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing break over the holidays. Last term was a very busy term starting with our fantastic excursion to IMAX and Polly Woodside to finish off our First Contacts Unit. 


Other highlights included the House Cross-Country, where we had lots of success in our year level in Districts and Regionals, and our geology workshop was a fantastic way to support our Beneath Our Feet Unit.


Term Three has already kicked off with with one of the highlights of the year to be camp to Sovereign Hill and Cave Hill Creek. We also have the House Athletics Carnival to look forward to this term.


Kind regards, 


Adam Littlehales, Georgia Treu, Alannah Rowell & Matt Halford

Maths in Term 3

During this term emphasis will be placed on :

Number: Fractions and Decimals:

Students will investigate equivalent fractions and count by quarters, halves and thirds including mixed numerals. They will represent these on a number line. Students will also make connections between fractions and decimals.

Measurement: Volume and Capacity, Time: Students will read and use scaled measurement instruments to measure volume and capacity. They will convert between units of time and use am and pm notion to solve simple time problems.

Number: Division:

Students will solve problems involving division and understand the link to multiplication.

Students will also participate in activities aimed to develop their understanding and fluency when  working through worded problems.

English in Term 3

Our Term Three Writing sessions  will focus on procedural writing which will be linked to our inquiry topic and poetry. Students will look at the structure of these texts.

We will also be having a larger focus on free choice writing 


This term the Year 4 students will be exploring the Design and Technology topic  ‘Soaring High'. In this topic students will be investigating, generating, producing, evaluating, planning and managing a design brief on kites.


You will have noticed that we made some changes to our homework routine. Students will continue to monitor their reading using the table provided on their homework sheet, we are asking that parents sign off to acknowledge that reading was completed at home (60 minute from Mon-Fri). 

We will also have spelling sent home on a spelling pattern that will be introduced in class on Monday's. There will be planning for two Big Write's during the term and Mathletics tasks will be assigned. We will also have a Reading Project to complete throughout the term.

House Athletics

This term, students will compete in their first house Athletics competition at BRPS on Wednesday 22nd August. The event will take place at Duncan McKinnon Reserve. Students will participate in  field events and track events. Students will be practicing prior to the day in preparation for the event.

Students that qualify for the District carnival will compete at the same venue on 11th September.

Important Dates

CAMP: 16-18th September

Kites Excursion : Friday 13th September

House Athletics: 21st August - Duncan McKinnon Reserve

District Athletics: 11th September - Duncan McKinnon Reserve

Last Day of Term 3: Friday 18st September - 2:30 pm Dismissal

Casual Days

Gold Coin Donations

26th July

30st August