Intensive Interaction

Intensive Interaction is used in school as a social communication approach, which engages our students who are learning to communicate with others.



What is Intensive Interaction?

Intensive Interaction (II) is an approach that uses behavior the learner may recognise as their own to develop a two-way dialogue. This communicative approach is highly responsive in its nature rather than being goal focused or directive. The adult responds and copies the vocalizations, and movements that the student makes.

The following fundamentals of communication can be explored:

  • Developing the ability to attend to another person.
  • Using and understanding eye contacts and facial expressions.
  • Learning to share personal space with others.
  • Using and understanding sociable physical contacts.
  • Using vocalisations with meaning (for some, speech development).
  • Taking turns in exchanges of behaviour, or sequencing actions with another person.
  • Enjoying being with another person.

Who is it for?

Learners who:

  • Have some or no language but may not communicate for social purposes.
  • Have limited or inconsistent ways of communicating.
  • Show a lack of motivation to be with others.


Please contact the speech team if you would like more information on Intensive Interaction