Hi Everyone,


School Concert

I hope you all enjoyed the concert as much as I did! Our students certainly seemed to love the experience. I have to admit that one of the things that makes me smile the most is when the students have rehearsed so much and know their routines so well BUT that curtain opens and they just become overwhelmed and spend most of the time trying to see their family.

There were so many highlights this year I loved the cute cows and was quite surprised to see Michael perform as Barbie, I heard his mum was laughing so hard she couldn’t video him. I know he loved being a star in the transition item.

So many people work so hard to put the concert together and I just want to say again a heartfelt thank you to everyone.


End of Year

The end of the year is coming fast and I want to remind everyone that the last two weeks of term will really be the first two weeks of the 2020 school year. This is our “Head Start” program.

 During the second last week students will be prepared to move into their classes for next year. They will make posters about themselves for their new classroom and they will be discussing the changes that are about to occur. We say goodbye to our graduating students during this week on the Thursday evening. That is then the last day for them to come to school. All students have the Friday off as a curriculum day. This allows staff to move rooms and get organised for the new school year. The dates can be found in the dates section of this newsletter.

The last week of term students will be in their new classroom with their new staff, where possible. We have to cover staff who are leaving our school with teachers who are in specialist roles because we can’t have the new staff come in for the last week.


Lastly I need to let the school community know that sadly two of our most respected and valued staff have decided to retire. They are Judy Norton who has been a most wonderful assistant principal and great friend to me and Jenny Adams who runs our PMP program in the junior school. Both ladies will be greatly missed. I know you will join me in wishing them every happiness in retirement, may you be happy and healthy always.

Cheers Sue


PS as of Friday this week there are 47 sleeps until the jolly gentleman visits the good girls and boys!!