Learning Centre News...

Subway Lunches are Back

March 20

Learning Centre 1


Thank you to all families who donated their time and various items for Shrove Tuesday. The students in Learning Centre One had a great morning eating yummy pancakes. It was great to see so many families starting their morning with their children in the space. 



We are all excited to see new books coming into our learning space! Both learning centre 1 + 3 are enjoying a great selection of rich texts to sit and enjoy. We are continuing to work on organising our texts so we can find them by author or theme!


Thank you to our new book monitors in both spaces for taking on the responsibility to make sure our books are well looked after. 

LC1 book monitors: Serah, Scarlett, Andy and Aaliyah

LC3 book monitors: Celeste, Sophia, Ella and Evan 


Also, a big thank you to our Mum's who have volunteered sometime in their morning to change our take home books. It is very much appreciated and we wouldn't be able to read each night without you!


A friendly reminder that all Preps will commence full weeks at school after this long weekend. We look forward to seeing their faces everyday! 

Learning Centre 4

A big thank you to all who donated pancake mix and toppings and to the mums who came on Shrove Tuesday & cooked lots of pancakes for our Senior students. A great way to end a busy working day.


Congratulations to our Student Leaders who received their Leadership badges at our opening school mass on Thursday. It is great to see so many students on our student leadership teams.  We look forward to working with them throughout 2020.



The 'homework' expectation in LC4 is that all students read at least 4 times per week & record this in their school diary and practice their spelling words. Weekly spelling tests are on Tuesdays.

Home Reading is VITAL.

Check out the statistics on the picture opposite.  Is your child reading at home?

Learning Centre 3

Our Learning Centre has been very busy with the start of the Lenten Season.

Last Tuesday we were so lucky to have such generous support from our families donating pancake mix and giving their time to cook and serve the students a yummy pancake.

Thank you to all the P&F who put together our yummy breakfast. 

Ash Wednesday 

As a Whole School we attended a very reflective Prayer Service for Ash Wednesday. 

We celebrated Ash Wednesday, which began the 2020 season of Lent. Each student , their teachers and families received the ashes with 'Repent and Believe in the Gospel' being said as a cross was marked on their forehead.

In their Learning Group the students will be exploring the focus of  'Be Opened - A journey to new life'.  The students will be invited to reflect upon how they are called to be open to the fullness of life in God. 

It is important that our students can witness people enacting our faith, and be inspired to be active informed faith, filled global citizens.