Religion News

           Prayers from our Sacramental Students

The images shared here are crosses designed and painted by our Social Justice Leaders and surround the prayers of our children preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation



In this second week of Lent we continue to share a selection of  prayers from our Reconciliation students.


Dear Lord, Our Loving Father, I am thankful for my family for what they do and give to me. I am thankful for our community that we live in peace with one another every day. We ask this in Your name. Amen. (Levi H)


Dear Lord, Our Loving Father, who art in heaven, we thank you for the blessing of our happy, healthy family. May we always have the Lord watching over us. We ask this in Your name. Amen. (William F)


Dear Lord, Our Loving Father, please take care of my family and bless us. Please make everyone healthy and well. We ask this in Your name. Amen. (Aatara M)


Dear Lord, Our Loving Father, thank you for my beautiful family and the wonderful life we have. We ask this in Your name. Amen.

(Maya G)


Dear Lord, Our Loving Father, your gifts are many and we are grateful for everyone. One of the greatest gifts you have given is the gift of our dear son Tyron. Thank you for his life dear Lord. Watch over him each day. May he be safe from harm and bless him through life’s trials. Help him choose right from wrong. A good example to others. We ask this in Your name. Amen. (Tyron V)

Ash Wednesday Paraliturgy

Last Wednesday we began the Church season of Lent and began our journey of 40 days to Easter. Our social justice leaders led us in prayer before staff distributed ashes to all students to remind them they are part of god's family and are challenged to do good deeds and support others throughout Lent. Each learning group received a Project Compassion box - please assist your child if they have the opportunity to use any spare change to add to their learning groups fundraising efforts.

                Beginning of Year School Mass

Yesterday we celebrated our Opening school Mass and all senior leaders were presented with their  leadership badges. Our theme for mass was "We are a Community" where all are welcome and supported. Thank you to our families who joined us for mass. 

Sacramental Program Dates 2020

Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Sacrament of Penance) 

Sacrament of Reconciliation - St. Andrew's Church, Wednesday, March 18th @ 6.00pm 

Sacrament of the Eucharist

Sacrament for Reconciliation before Eucharist - Wednesday, 27th May @10 am

Family Meeting, May 27th @6.30pm - St. Andrew's Church

Sacrament of Eucharist - May 31st @ 1.00pm and 3.00pm (if 2 masses needed based on numbers) At present just one mass @ 1.00pm

Sacrament of Confirmation

Bishop Mark to visit OLSC Candidates - Thursday, 11th June @ 9.35am

Wednesday, 22nd July @ 6.30pm - OLSC Sports Centre

Friday 24th July @ 6.30 pm - OLSC Sports Centre