Principal's Chat

Good Afternoon All.  

I am sure that no-one needs a reminder but just in case - turn off the alarm on Monday morning and enjoy a sleep in.  I hope that all of the OLSC families enjoy the long weekend.  


Opening School Mass 

Yesterday we celebrated our first whole school mass for the year.  I thank all the families that were able to attend.  It was great that so many parents and grandparents from our community were able to join us to officially open the school year.  Father Albert spoke to the students to remember to always treat and speak to others the way we would like to be treated.  


As part of our mass the student leaders for 2020 were acknowledged and Father Blessed their badges which they proudly received at the conclusion of the mass.  I congratulate the 2020 student leadership team and look forward to working with them.  

School Captains:  Asini & Harrison 

School Vice-Captains:  Kyle & Nyaruot 

SRC:  Erina, Olivia, Natalie, Ella, Aaron & Edin 

Social Justice Leaders:  Kristy, Riamilan, Diya, Khyathi, Moana, Maria, Caela, Ronelle & Scarlet 

Technology Leaders:  Ayden, Hamish, Isabella, Jett, Mason, Nakshathra, Shenonie, Summyr, Luka, Vardaan & Bonnie 

House Captains: Blue - Alex & Akoi, Gold - Miguel & Mikey, Red - Sachiv & Aluk, Green - Hayley & Bior 

House Vice Captains: Blue - Bawi & Chantale, Gold - Maddox & Zac, Red - Ragge & Adel, Green - Deborah & Keith 


Enrolments at OLSC

Enrolments for Prep 2021 are now open!  Please contact the office for enrolment forms and to book in if you'd like a school tour.  


Enrolment Information for MacKillop

MacKillop College Tours

Thursday 26 March, 2020

Thursday 18 June, 2020

Wednesday 16 September, 2020

 To make a booking, please use this link (numbers are limited)


Enrolments for Year 7 2022

Applications close on Friday 21 August 2020

College Open Day is on Thursday 21 July 2020


Community Mass 

We are having our first community mass for 2020 in the sports centre.  The mass will be at 5.00pm on Saturday March 14th.  I encourage all families to come and join us for this event.  This is a great opportunity for any of the students receiving a sacrament this year to have their Sacramental Journal signed.  


Parents and Friends Committee 

On Thursday we had our first Parents and Friends meeting for 2020.  We had a number of new faces join the committee (including my own!) however I would encourage all from our parent community to come along and get involved and have your say!  The next meeting of the P&F Committee is Friday the 24th April at 2.00pm.  The meetings take place in the staffroom although I'd like to see the group get so big that we have to move to the Sports Centre.  

Some of the P&F roles are open and if you'd like to volunteer or nominate someone please come along to the next meeting.  Please see below the roles we'd like to fill with a brief description of the expectations of occupying the position.  

P&F President 

- Act as a spokesperson for the committee 

- Ensure meetings follow the agenda and run on time 

- Encourage others to join and participate 

P&F Secretary 

- Generate and distribute meeting agendas

- Keep correct minutes of the meetings 

- List incoming and outgoing correspondence 

P&F Treasurer 

- Keep accurate accounts of receipts and expenditure 

- Supply a statement of finance at the meeting 

- MYOB experience preferable 


Easter Raffle 

We are having an Easter Raffle this year!  Next week families will be sent more information in regards to raffle tickets and Easter item donations.  The raffle will be drawn on the last day of term (Friday 27th March) following the school Easter liturgy.  


I hope that all in our community will have an opportunity to rest, relax and recharge a little over the long weekend.  See you next week!
