Assistant Principal's Report

Positive Psychology - Tips for Self-kindness

Carve out time for yourself this school holidays and make sure you prioritise something that feels good – go for a coffee, have a bath, read a good book; do something that brings you joy.

  1. Notice your self-talk, and cut yourself some slack. Everybody makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. Speak to yourself as you would a friend.
  2. Discover JOMO (the Joy of Missing Out) and give social media a miss for a while. Everybody posts their best selves and it can make us feel bad that our lives don’t match up. Be kind and have a day free of social comparison.
  3. Acknowledge your successes. We’re always quick to do that for others, so why not take a few minutes and consider all you’ve achieved. Well done you!
  4. Hang out with your cheerleaders. Spend time with the people who uplift you and support you. The ones that fill your tank.
  5. Take your daily ‘MEDS’ (Mindfulness, Exercise, Diet and Sleep). Looking after your mind and body is a great form of self-kindness.


School Strike for Climate Action

Several students expressed interest in attending the School Strike for Climate Action which took place today. As a school we are happy to support our students to stand up for what they believe in and to be politically responsible.

We also ask that any student that wishes to leave during the school day signs out via compass with parent permission.

Whilst the School Strikes for Climate Action have gained a lot of media attention we would also like to remind students that the best way to reduce climate change is to take action in their daily lives. We have encouraged students to think globally but act locally. They can do this by picking up rubbish, walking or riding instead of being dropped off in a car, reducing their use of water and reducing their eco footprint whenever possible by turning off lights and other appliances when they are not being used.



In the last weeks of term 3 several students have been coming to school, without full school uniform. Several students are wearing hoodies and/or black pants or shorts. The uniform shop is open during the September school holidays so if you need any additional uniform to ensure that your child is in uniform and avoids a demerit you can purchase uniform there. Any family that is struggling to purchase uniform can access second-hand uniform for free at Wellbeing.

You can find our uniform policy on the school website here:


Dan Lee

Assistant Principal