Year 7 Incursion - The Maths Show

The Maths Show is full of mathematical history, puzzles, magic and fun. During the show, students encountered the amazing power of numbers to control the mind, predict the future, reveal secrets and much, much more.

As part of the performance, students met famous and (not so famous) mathematicians from ancient Babylon and Greece, Pioneers of Algebra, Famous Women of Maths, Champions of Chance and Data, as well as Experts in Shape and Space.


So, what did the students in 7C have to say?

  • Zac Taylor-Poly - “I enjoyed the bridge activity and I thought it was cool that everyone could participate.” 
  • Ursula Cremasco – “I thought it was really engaging and the presenter made maths really fun. He did a lot of interactive activities that got everyone involved.”
  • Amelie Mace – “I liked how engaging it was even if you were not the one to go up the front. It was different to what I thought it was in the best ways. It was lots of riddles and tricks. I liked the bridges activity where you couldn’t go over the same bridge twice.”
  • Mia Beckman-Atzil - “The presenter was very enthusiastic and it was very enjoyable. He was really clever. I liked the part where we all ended up getting the same part on the calculator. 

And what about 7B students?

  • Macy Waters - “I really enjoyed the Maths Show because it was a fun way to learn maths and it made me really want to learn more. I liked the bridges activity as it really made me think and it encouraged me to speak to others to work it out.”
  • Oliver Martucci - “It was inspiring to watch and I learnt new things about maths. I liked the activity with the number 1-9 where we had to triple them and divide them and it would always equal 39. I liked that activity as it was not an activity I had seen before.”
  • Nadine Dia - “It was really exciting and entertaining. I liked the calculator activities that we could all participate in. It was better than what I expected.”