Important Dates & Information
TERM 2 - 2020
Phase One Of Students' Staged Return To School
Monday 11th May - Only Year 12, Year 7 and our MC class to attend school. All other year groups continue learning from home.
Tuesday 12th May - Only Year 12, Year 8 and our MC class to attend school. All other year groups continue learning from home.
Wednesday 13th May - Only Year 12 and Year 11 to attend school. All other year groups continue learning from home.
Thursday 14th May - Only Year 10 and Year 9 to attend school. All other year groups continue learning from home.
Friday 15th May - Year 12 students with Major Works including Timber, Visual Arts & Music as organised with teaching staff. All other year groups continue learning from home.
Monday 18th May - Only Year 12, Year 7 and our MC class to attend school. All other year groups continue learning from home.
Tuesday 19th May - Only Year 12, Year 8 and our MC class to attend school. All other year groups continue learning from home.
Wednesday 20th May - Only Year 12 and Year 11 to attend school. All other year groups continue learning from home.
Thursday 21st May - Only Year 10 and Year 9 to attend school. All other year groups continue learning from home.
Friday 22nd May - Year 12 students with Major Works including Timber, Visual Arts & Music as organised with teaching staff. All other year groups continue learning from home.
Phase One of students' staged return to school will continue until further notice.