Principal's Message
What a rapidly changing world we have been living in these past six weeks!
In every aspect of life, change has been occurring on almost a daily basis. The rapid change in schools has been quite phenomenal and I would like to acknowledge the enormous effort that our staff continue to make to ensure we are able to deliver quality education to students in such a diverse range of situations. Some students have excellent internet connectivity, others have little to none and some work best from hard copy workbooks. Our team of teachers and support staff have been incredible.
I'd like to acknowledge too the efforts of our students' families. The change in the way education is being delivered also significantly impacts you and your children. Keeping on top of the daily lessons and updates from the school, while trying to fulfill your own work and community commitments I know has not been easy. I acknowledge the wonderful effort you have all been making.
From next Monday, 11th May we will begin the staged return of students to school. Managing the safety, education and staged reintroduction of students to school is something we have planned carefully and need your continued support to ensure this next important phase is successful. The following pages of this newsletter contain vital information you need to know. We ask that you follow it carefully. In addition to the staged year group by year group reintroduction of students to school, the only other students that should be attending the school campus are those for whom it is essential.
Let's continue to work together to make Phase 1 of students gradually returning to school as successful as possible.
Annabel Doust