Visual Arts


The Art room is very busy at the moment with Year 7 and 8 students completing their sculptures, mosaics snd drawings for the showcase. The following photos illustrate the planning that is in place to help the Year 7 students make their large SWEETS sculptures as well as the Year 8 students making various mixed media sculptures.

Year 8 Butterfly Mosaics

Students in 8D and 8E created these beautiful butterfly mosaics from ripped magazines squares. They had to plan their colour palette and then carefully prepare and stick down each tile to create a realistic butterfly.

Year 7 Construction Plans

The only limitation for making the Sweets sculpture is imagination. Year 7 students have been having fun learning how to make their individually designed lollypop, ice cream, kit kat and various other sweets.

Year 7 Still Life Drawings

In the first week of Term 4 students refined their observational skills by producing a range of sketches from a still life that was set up in the middle of the room. These studies range from 1 minutes to 5 minutes in duration.

8E working independently 

Term 4 has been about creativity. in 8E Art. Students have been producing a range of exciting artworks that have stretched their understanding of different media and pushed them to challenge themselves to create an artwork that best demonstrates their learning over the semester.

Assorted 8D artworks

These lovely artworks demonstrate a range of skills that students in 8D have developed in Term 3.