

The Nativity of the Lord t
The Nativity of the Lord t

 Season of Christmas

Celebrating Christ’s Birth, Revelation 

and Mission

Throughout the Christmas season, the Church rejoices as it beholds God’s glory; Christ, the  Son of God, is born into the world. God’s gracious gift of love, Jesus Christ, is the Father’s visible image. He is the Messiah, the long-awaited one, as foretold by the prophets. In him, we recognise our own humanity and the need for the world to be made new. 

This act of God becoming human is the beginning point of our redemption. The tiny babe,  Emmanuel, the Prince of Peace, will eventually suffer, die and rise again for the world's salvation. The season celebrates the mystery of the incarnation and encourages us to reflect on the significance of Christ’s becoming like one of us to redeem all peoples for all time. 

We also celebrate our incorporation into Christ and his divinity during the Christmas festival. Christ came among us and remains with us so we too, can be drawn to the  Father. This ‘divine exchange’, as it is sometimes called, enables us to be one with Christ and cooperate with the Spirit to renew the world. Many of the prayers express this more fully. We are not passive bystanders pondering the mystery of Christ’s birth but active bearers of the message of good news that Christ brings. 

The season unfolds with the celebration of Christ’s birth and early manifestations and concludes with the announcement of Christ’s earthly mission. It begins at the Vigil of  Christmas and extends to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The Octave of Christmas,  the first eight days of the season, incorporates a number of feasts and concludes with the  Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. The feast of the Epiphany is celebrated on the  Sunday after the Octave. These key aspects of birth, revelation and mission anchor our contemplation of the mystery of Christ’s coming among us for the world's salvation.

Sacramental Dates 2023

Sacrament of Confirmation- Saturday 18th March, 3 pm- Parish Church.

Sacrament of First Reconciliation- Thursday, 13th July, 10 am during school time.

Sacrament of First Eucharist- Sunday 16th July, 10.30 am Parish Mass.

End of Year Whole School Mass Final Assembly: Friday 16th December, 10 am- all families welcome


Parish Christmas Masses

Christmas Masses


St Raphael’s Church

Christmas Eve, Saturday, 24 December:

5 pm Mass for Young Families

7 pm Vigil Mass (NO Midnight Mass)

Christmas Day, Sunday, 25 December:        

9am Italian Mass

10:30am Parish Mass