Library News

Overdue Books
The library is now closed for borrowing for the year.
Can all School Library books please be returned to the school as soon as possible. There are currently over 100 books overdue. Overdue notices were given out on Monday.
Thank you to those that have returned their books.
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge Winners
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge Certificates
A big congratulations to all the student that completed the Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge.
70 students read a total of 2971 books. This fantastic achievement is a record for our school.
Our top readers for this year are:
Nova Mynard 140 books Rufus Allder 139 books Sophie Liaskos 123 Books
Olivia Shadforth 107 books Amy Liaskos 100 books Cooper Clark 99 books
Nelly Elbarabar 83 books
Certificates and badges have been awarded to all of the following students.
Audrey Labigang Cooper Clark Alfie Mastwyk Rufus Allder
Charlie Seddon Felix Millard Sebastian Bettiol
Arian Abela Eloise Dittmer Luigino Finn Sophie Flanagan Iris Flynn
Massimo Fragale Justin Giannantoni Matthew Khoury Milana Kudeweh
Charles Leach Katie Marziano James Neocli Evie Rose Roman Seiuli
Dylan Soe Annabelle Sully Valentino Tamburrino Thomas Zweiger
Alexander Zweiger Paloma Vittadello Isla Trenuela Ariana Talevski
Louie Strangis Jordan Russo Natalia Pasquale Harris Papatolis
Emilia Osborn Amelia Misale Finn Madigan Jack Hardy Jaylen Goh
Leni Giuliani-Marshall Jade Filardo Gabriel Dore Juliette Costa Lucius Catania
Lucinda Bettiol
Year 1/2
Nelly Elbarbar Zoe Riordan Francesca Geronazzo Harriet Seddon
Maxima Bucknell Amy Liaskos Vincent Doria Alexandra Le
Naomi Ishikawa Rafael Finanzio
Year 3/4
Lia Ciarma Ethan O'Connor Huxley Allder Elsie Seddon
Sierra Pes Sophie Liaskos Luke Pace Isabella Christoff
Nova Mynard Stella Bettiol
Year 5/6
Nevah O'Connor Olivia Shadforth Elora Doria Nathan Drazic
Daniel Christoff Domenic Bettiol
Next year we will again be participation in the Reading Challenge.
It starts at the end of January and finishes at the beginning of September. Final dates will be released next year. Registrations open in March 2023.
Library Helpers
I wish to express my heartfelt thank you to all the parent volunteers who have helped this year in our school library.
A special thank you to Sofia Marin for contacting books and to Lisa Mancini who has managed Book Club for many years. Book Club has raised approximately $1,000 every year which goes towards buying new books for our library.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Contact Details
Maria De Cata
Resource Officer/Education Support