From the Principal

Dear Monty South Community,
I am delighted to be able to communicate with you and my apologies for not having done it earlier, but I have just had my profile activated within the Department.
This is one of my favourite times of the year! This is a time of excitement and opportunity, when we build relationships, and we get to know each other. I have spent the last two days going around each classroom introducing myself to the students. I have also been walking around the school in the morning and afternoon, trying to meet as many parents as well.
In sharing a bit about myself, I am originally from Victoria, but I lived and worked in Western Australia for 27 years, where I had been a principal for 21 of those years. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to work across four States in different teaching and administrative roles, and I have enjoyed everything that each role has taught me. I have also been fortunate to have taught right through from Kindergarten to Year 12.
My vision, as an educationalist, has always been to work with my school community to create the best teaching and learning environments that provide high quality and challenging learning opportunities for every student. My vision melds very well with the school’s vision of the healthy development of every child so that each has the knowledge, skills and resiliency to be successful in a rapidly changing world.
Over the next few Newsletters, I will tell you a little bit more about me but please stop me for a chat if you see me in the yard.
I look forward to working with you to make sure that your child’s educational experience is a positive and rewarding one at Monty South.
I am very excited to have been appointed to Monty South.
Keyla Jeffers