PnC News

What do you want from the PnC in 2023?

The PnC are planning events for 2023, but we want to know what you think of our efforts from this year. We would greatly appreciate 5 minutes of your time to complete this survey – it's anonymous!


MPS were the real winners on Election Day

A big thanks to everyone who helped with their time or donations for our Election Day stalls. Even with COVID keeping some of our PnC members offsite, the community really stepped up to make it a successful event, with many people doing double shifts, and even staying late to keep the lights on (thanks Andrew Hudson for some nifty MacGyver work organising lighting for the VEC vote counters!).

The event raised around $2,300 towards the school budget for 2023.



Don’t forget to pick up your (Who Gives A) Crap!

Our recent Who Gives A Crap fundraiser added $262.94 to the school budget for 2023, hooray! There are still a few boxes waiting to be picked up by families who ordered. These are labelled with your name and waiting in the Parents Room for collection.


Do you have a Prep student starting at MPS in 2023? 

Join the Prep 2023 WhatsApp group to meet other families and find out about events happening at school:


Last PnC meeting for the year

Our final meeting of the year will be held next Tuesday, 13 December, 7-8pm in the school staff room. Join us in person or on Google Meet:


As always, we recognise that not all parents & carers have the capacity to volunteer or donate to our fundraising efforts. We welcome all efforts, not matter how small. If you are interested in helping our school in a way that suits you, or you have a fundraising or social event idea, you can email us any time at


Becs (PnC president) and the PnC committee