Around the school

Christmas Services at Christ Church Anglican

Thanks to Mr Martin for organising these lovely Christmas services for all of our students to reflect on the meaning of Christmas on Wednesday. It was wonderful to be able to hold these services at the church once again.

Art Club

Renata and Mackenzie have been attending Art Club with Mrs Paterson on Thursdays at luchtime. Their paintings are a tribute to their self-directed learning. They have been learning techniques that structure their composition with perspectival depth. Mackenzie has used converging-lines to indicate spatial depth and Renata has accomplished the complex challenge of using colour theory (in the style of Monet!) to create spatial depth and the illusion of 3D.


MAG Superstars

Today's MAG Superstars from K-2. Great work, superstars!

Year 5 Scientific Bakers

Year 5 students made their own bread to examine the process of mixing materials. Students noted the yeast organisms expelling carbon dioxide as they fed off the sugars and learnt that as the dough rises and proofs, carbon dioxide is formed; this is why the dough volume increases. The carbon dioxide expands and moves as the bread dough warms and bakes in the oven. The bread rises and sets.


Designing Zoo Spaces - Year 3

Year 3 have been working on their Deep Learning Mathematics Collaborative projects designing zoo spaces using their knowledge of area and perimeter. They have created amazing spaces with underground aquariums, interactive animal exhibits and delicious themed restaurants.