
Year 7 Italian: Celebrity Profiles

The Year 7 students have just completed their Term 4 Assessment Tasks in Italian. Their task involved researching “Personaggi famosi” - famous people - and writing a profile of them in Italian. They did a great job using the language, including descriptions of hair, eye colour and adjectives to describe physical features and personality. Here are some of their tasks. See how much you can understand of their descriptions…

Forensic Science Tea Party

Having completed and submitted their final Assessment Task for the year, each investigative team from the Year 9 Forensic Science classes presented their crime scene summations at a 'reveal' morning tea. 

Year 9s Christmas Treats

Mrs Pinson's Year 9 Food Technology class had to prepare a biscuit in a jar recipe ready to give as a gift to give someone.  The finished produced had to include the recipe, all the dry ingredients and a decorated jar with ribbons, stickers. The students got a treat afterward, tasting the finished cookies prepared by their teacher - Mrs Pinson - and to know what their gift should taste like prior to giving their jar away.

Year 7: Indigenous Cultural Expression

Mrs Paterson's Year 7 class have been working on some fantastic artworks depicting indigenous cultural expression using a variety of techniques and colours.

Year 8 Digital Technologies

Mr Lethlean's Year 8s were set a task via a design brief to create a unique retail store. This design had to follow set constraints and also had to research other aspects associated with the design process.