
It is with disbelief that we start this final newsletter for the 2022 school year. What a couple of busy weeks we have had! The students have been involved in lots of different events, activities and programs. These opportunities for our students would not be possible without the dedication and hard work of our Primary staff. Organising these events requires a lot of planning, preparation and effort and we thank them for always having the best interests of our students at heart. 


 It was great to see the whole school community come together for the 2022 Carols on the Lawn event and we would like to thank all the staff and volunteers involved for making this event such a success. Another thank you goes out to all our families and extended families for joining us in our celebrations. The students had a great time and their performances were of a high standard. 



Before welcoming our new Principal, Mr Scott Downward, and his family to our school community, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Carmel Spry for her support. We would not be able to achieve our goals without the support of Carmel, the members of the Executive Team and the Primary staff. We feel privileged each day to work with this group of passionate, dedicated and hardworking professionals. As we continue to lead the Primary School next year, we are excited for the changes ahead under the leadership of Mr Scott Downward.


Before we start the holidays though, we encourage all students to come and check out lost property. There are many jumpers, bottles and hats looking for their rightful owner. 



Kindergarten Day Out

With their bags on their backs and their hats on their heads, the MAG Kinder class of 2022 stepped off the bus into Hopwood Gardens, a little apprehensive and a lot excited about the day ahead. It was their first excursion – the Kinders Big Day Out! The fun started with some time on the playground – the water pump and swings were the main attractions. Mrs Reid (party planner extraordinaire) had packed some fun games to get the Kinders’ competitive spirits going! A game of ‘Shoot the Cup’ had us all in stitches, and some of us a bit wet!


Off to the library we trotted, through the Port area. The lovely Linda shared a story with us and then took us on a tour of the different areas of the library. It was time for a special treat after that – off to the Port Ice Creamery for an icy refreshment. Lots of blue bubblegum smiles in the sunshine. Back to Hopwood Gardens to play and have lunch, before we headed to the main event – Twisted Science! The Kinders loved exploring the free play area and also listened and participated with interest in the ‘Push and Pull’ lesson. Pom pom shooters and magnets were a lot of fun to play with. As we lined up to get back on the bus to school, there were many tired faces after our Kinders Big Day Out.



Our Year 1 students are looking forward to their Day Out on Monday 12 December. We look forward to seeing pictures about their adventure on Facebook.



Year 5 Leadership Speeches

On Thursday 1 December, 38 nominated Year 5 students completed the daunting task of presenting their leadership speech in front of their peers. The students should be congratulated on the way they confidently conducted themselves. The students were well-prepared and it was evident they had put a lot of thought into their speeches. The 2023 Year 6 leadership group will be announced at the Primary Presentation Assembly on Tuesday 13 December at 1:30pm in the Resource Centre. The students will be introduced to the school community early next year at the Commencement Assembly where they will conduct their School Leadership Pledge.


MAG PS 5/6 T20 Blast Cricket Tournament

Summary by Annabel Pickles and Neisha Davidson

When we walked to the Jack Eddy Oval where everyone was jumping up and down enthusiastically, the excitement was real. We got there and the girls split into two groups and started practising. We practised for a good 40 minutes until it was time to start. First, we played Rochester St Joes where we won by 60 runs. Our second match of the day was against 208, which we won again by 14 runs. 
Echuca East was our third competitor, and after an hour of playing we ended up losing by 38 runs. During our lunch break, our team was still excited for the next match. Our final match was against St Mary’s, where we won by 90 runs. Overall, we finished in 3rd place in the girls league. It was an amazing effort by all and we would like to thank Mr Harris, Jayda, Brodie and Mr McMahon for facilitating such a wonderful event.




Year 2 Sleepover

Summary by Penrose Knight (2B)

We all arrived at the Year 2 Sleepover really excited about what was about to happen. When we got there, we unpacked, well actually set up. I set up and slept next to Quinny and Mason. After my friends and me had set up, we set out to play. A little while later Mr Moon yelled out to come and sit down so we came and sat down. After Mr Moon explained how to do relays with water guns, some people helped Mr Moon get the equipment and set up, then we played. We all got drenched and Miss Delmenico definitely drenched Mr Moon.
Then, we had an amazingly delicious dinner (sausages and icy poles and a juice box). After a great dinner we played some group games. We put on our pyjamas and settled in to watch a movie and we even got popcorn after the group games. Half way through the Muppets (that was the movie) the teachers paused it and we had some milo. The milo was great. After the milo we brushed our teeth, then watched the rest of the movie although l still felt wide awake but eventually we fell asleep.
On Saturday morning teachers turned on another movie while we woke up. After all of us were awake, we packed up. Then we had breakfast a piece of bread/toast with a hole filled up with egg and a juice box. After breakfast sadly, it was time to go home. Thank you so much parents and teachers for making this an outstanding sleepover.



Year 4 Excursion

Year 4 students got to practise their Mathematics skills in a real-life context today during their excursion to the Rich River Golf Club. Over the term students have learnt about angles, calculating area and perimeter of shapes, and measuring lengths. They have also investigated how to display statistics and probability data through a variety of graphs and tables. A great day was had by all.


Summary by Ruby Law

On December 5th, all Year 4 students attended their excursion to the Rich River Golf Club. Upon arrival, the students were split into 2 groups and I was in group 2 and started with the driving range first. Our instructor's name was Ben and he was really good. Ben set us the ultimate challenge of hitting a golf ball into the trees and even though everyone gave it a good go, no one succeeded. We also learned a new technique called Happy Gilmore, and this technique saw us running up to the ball and hitting the ball at speed. It was really hard but Winnie and I had lots of fun.
When it was time to swap over, we got to play mini golf. I was in a group with Vihara, Naisha and Winnie. Vihara won in our group and we had lots of fun. 


Summary by Nixon Pedrana

The Year 4 excursion to the Rich River Golf Club was very exciting. First, we were divided into groups and my group was chosen to practise Happy Gilmore, a run up and hit. We then did normal shots, followed by recess. We all got a nice ice cream to enjoy before playing some mini golf. We returned to school just in time for lunch. We had a great time and we thank our teachers for organising this excursion.



Orientation Day

It was great to welcome current and new students at our Orientation Day on Tuesday 6 December. Students all stepped up into their 2023 class with their 2023 peers and classroom teacher. This day is an integral part of the preparation for the 2023 academic year and staff planned for an enjoyable and informative day with lots of ‘getting to know you’ activities. 



Year 6 Graduation Dinner

On Thursday 2 December, our Year 6 students enjoyed their Graduation Dinner at the Rich River Golf Club. It was a wonderful evening and the students and their families enjoyed a 2-course meal, followed by the formal events. To top off the night, DJ Martin from Party Inc got everyone involved and boogying on the dancefloor. We would like to thank all the staff and parent volunteers who ensured the night was enjoyed by all. 



Presentation Assemblies

The Primary Presentation Assembly has been scheduled for Tuesday 13 December, starting at 1:30pm in the Resource Centre. Formal uniform is to be worn on this day and PDHPE and sport classes will be modified to suit this change. Parents are invited to attend this important event and in addition, the assembly will be livestreamed for parents to view. These formal assemblies, are a great opportunity to celebrate students’ achievements. 


Celebration Day

On the last day this year, Wednesday 14 December, students will be involved in the annual celebration day activities. Students are able to attend school on this day in their Sport Uniform. Our Year 5 and Year 6 students are working together to develop a range of rotational tabloid sports for all students to enjoy.


Kind regards,


Mrs Nici Deller                                                Mrs Mel Scott

Head of Primary                                             Head of Teaching and Learning Primary